
Currently in love with..

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I fell in love with a list called Currently in love with. I found it on my high school cheer captain Sams blog 'Unconventionally Beautiful' I don't know if the credit for this lovely list goes to her but whoever it goes to just made my day.

Without further ado I give you mine for today:
1. Compliments; I have noticed so many nice compliments lately, must be our unusually beautiful fall weather.
2. Oregon Ducks Football. I have never been a huge sports fan but for some reason the ducks this year make it hard not to be interested.
3. Red Bull. I know, I know, its horrible for me and has questionable ingredients. It is the only thing that has kept me alive lately.
4. Journey Songs. When the lights go down in the city especially.

5. The way the geese and ducks always come to my side of the mill race on my lunch break. Dont worry I feed them feather friendly food!
6. Not getting out of my car when I get home because a really good song is on.
7. Learning new words: Like in "without further ado.."

8. Eugene. I traveled so much as a kid and I have almost come to the end of college and realized I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

9. My '"Uggs" Not the real ones of course but it just makes the perfect excuse to wear slipper like shoes outside not like I dont wear my slippers outside anyways.

10. My roommate and the best Sam. She has added that something extra special to me life and I do not know what I would do without her.

What are you currently in love with?


Sam Gant said...

1. HUGS. Nothing makes me feel more loved and comfy than a good hug.. Sorry if I hold on second too long!

2. Cholo && Wynston. (cat&dog) Coming home to these crazy animals everyday does my heart good and I know it.

3. Daily texts from my mama. They aren’t always relevant and don’t always make sense but my days wouldn’t be the same without them!

4. Reading. I love to read a well written book.. Especially if it makes me cry
Latest read: “The Time Travelers Wife”

5. Coffee. Not only has this stuff allowed me to have a job the past 6 years but there is nothing better than a foamy latte to start the day.

6. Knowledge. As I get older (ugh) I find that this is the key.. Not to mention there is NOTHING more sexy than a smart boy who can teach me a thing or two!

7. Opening my window for the smell of outside after a good rain.. LOVE IT.

8. Massages. No explanation needed.

9. Mojitos. Any flavor. Had one everyday on my cruise.. YUMMY.

10. Last but not least.. CHAUB!
hehe I love Courtny. She just gets me plain and simple.

Sam | ashore said...

Courtny - so happy you started a blog & thanks for mentioning me! the 'currently in love with' lists were started by my best friend from college Laura. check her out here, she is wonderful: