
And the countdown begins..

SIX MONTHS! Yes you heard it right. It is now six months until I will be a Mrs! So unreal but also the most amazing feeling. Our wedding plans have been stalled in the last couple weeks due to Rawley being really sick. The worst part about it is he hates doctors so it has been a struggle to get him feeling better but I think this week will be a good week to get back on track.

I decided to take this term off so we can save for our wedding and the time I will have to take off. I am looking at it as an extra long summer vacation but I always miss school when I'm not there- I know I'm weird. Usually grad classes are more specfied to your interests so it's not like I am taking Chemistry but more like The Minds of Juveniles or Measure 11 Crimes, which I am interested in so it's almost easier? I plan to return in the Fall even though the wedding is two weeks into the term I think I can handle it. We are going to take a small honeymoon right after the wedding then take a cruise during Winter Break a couple months later. So psyched!

Our goal for this week is to finish and send off our "Save the Dates"! Taking it one step at a time..

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that.
  -Michael Leunig

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